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Crystal Mission

Crystal Mission

This 2021 digital edition, completely updated with hyperlinked notes,  is the 6th edition of this book in which a young Kiwi doctor kicked off his medical career by over-wintering as base doctor for the Greenpeace Base on Ross Island, Antarctica. That story was quite an amazing one by itself, but for the Crystal Mission it kicked off a bigger adventure into synchronicity with incredible travels and discoveries in the New Age movement in the USA and into the healing powers and more sinister uses of Crystal technology…


The two protagonists in the Crystal Mission turned out to be two men holding ancient Crystal Spheres from previous cycles of history. Robert Archer, a part-Cherokee crystal worker and travelling companion who appeared through several of the books was on the Light side with a crystal sphere he called ‘The Moroni Crystal’ a scrying device and tool to connect with the angelic realms. On the dark side there appeared a man named Ray Brown who was the possessor of an ancient sphere which he said he found in the apex of an underwater pyramid in the Bermuda triangle, and which he called ‘the pyramid crystal’ as it had several smoky pyramids within it. This man turned out to be a director of the NSA and using the crystal to support the war effort in Iraq with President Bush Snr’s ‘operation desert storm’ in 1991.


In later books the pyramid crystal surfaced again, found by a  Maori family (that story related in Book III of the Crystal Mission trilogy – Search for the Feathered Serpent, and in THOTH – The Heart of the Hurricane.) By the time the Maori group located the crystal Ray Brown has made the transition to whatever world he had created with his self -admitted tendency to be on the dark side, and the crystal had moved into kinder and gentler hands, and there is still a connection running all the way through the books to the year of 2021. Looking back now we can see that this crystal on the first meeting was an accurate scrying instrument, showing as it did a black serpent when held in the hands of Ray Brown.


More than just an adventure story as I sold my sailboat in NZ and fitted out a 1968 Chevy Suburban in Arizona for a crystal mission into Mexico and Guatemala with RA for the total solar eclipse at midday July 11 1991, Crystal Mission is a mind-boggling dive into synchronicity, as I followed the coincidences and used them as signposts on the Trail. The first edition of the book came to 64 chapters, which was an interesting connection with Hermes and the caduceus, and the DNA structure with its 64 codons, the Book of Changes and its 64 hexagrams, the 64 Keys of the Keys of Enoch. This reflected in this book the first contact with this archetypal prophet and king-priest-teacher the thrice-great Hermes Trismegistus, known by many names in many cultures such as TTA Thoth the Atlantean, Tehuti, Enoch, Idris, Khidr, Michael, Mercury etc etc, with this connection being an important thread in all the books, with even the last book (number 64)  A Journey into the Perspicuous Verses, having Passage 9, the final passage of this book, sealed by Thoth the Atlantean.


30 years later in 2021 with decades of medical practice and experience raising a large and complicated family, the book has been edited with some of the foolish exposures of real people’s secrets excised from the story, and the last section of 9 chapters expanded into a massive tome entitled 'The Heart of the Hurricane – The Crystal Mission continues'. This shortened the book to 56 chapters, an interesting sign for followers of Gematria, as that number in the I Ching represents ‘a Fire burning on a Mountain’ – but also the number of ‘the Destroyer’ in Egyptian mythology, representing catastrophe and violent earth changes – something that appears to be getting more and more likely with the events of 2020 and 2021 and the attempted capture of the whole human race into an AI dominated and genetically modified future. 


From the Inside Flap


Crystal Mission is the story of one New Zealand explorer who voyages into the American New Age consciousness and lived to tell the tale... Cornelius van Dorp, intrigued by the 'magical' power of crystals, has written what must be one of the most interesting inside accounts lunacy, solipsism and yes, 'far out' work being done in the New Age south-western community. We meet an ex-IBM scientist working on medical applications of crystal technology, ex-US naval intelligence operatives sounding the alarm over UFOs, a man who may or may not be a CIA agent with a crystal purportedly snatched from an underwater pyramid in the Bermuda Triangle, and a crew of people whose group therapy consists of channelling ancient Egyptian deities. It's a loving book and the author is resolute in his courage and willingness to pursue his intuition, no matter where it takes him. - Sunday Star Times


The writer begins a journey into territory that makes Asimov's Fantastic Voyage seem merely pedestrian. Crystal Mission becomes a voyage into New Age ideas, tribal myths and legends. The book can be seen as an intriguing dip into arcane waters. - Nelson Evening Mail


An interesting and hard to put down book, this is the story of Cornelius's journey from being a doctor for Greenpeace in the Antarctic to his experiences on the Native North American Indian mesas and amid the pyramids in Mexico. Many of his experiences are fascinating. - Rainbow News


Dr van Dorp's journey is a mystical one which continues to this day. We here in Nexus who appreciate the joys of synchronicity weren't surprised when, out of the blue, we received an unrelated fax from the good doctor just as, unbeknown to him, we were about to start reviewing his book. May the force be with you too! - Nexus Magazine



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