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Heart Of The Hurricane

Heart Of The Hurricane

Probably the most incredible moment for me in THOTH – The Heart of the Hurricane – was the moment I saw the living beating heart of Hurricane or Cyclone Ita a few hundred kms off the west coast of New Zealand Aotearoa on April 16, 2014, 9pm, and realised that she was in fact a vast and amazingly powerful intelligent  hurricane cyclone entity with a life span of about 14 days before she dissipated into the great Southern Ocean. 


People who liked the Crystal Mission (very few and far between in 1992 - but slightly more numerous on the ground in 2021) will likely LOVE The Heart of the Hurricane. It had its conception in 2010 when I started working in emergency medicine in Australia, 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off in the Hospital next to my 90-year-old mother’s Nursing Home.  The hermit time allowed me first to rework a new edition of the Crystal Mission, then start into an epilogue, but it wasn’t till I was up to Chapter 16 or so of the epilogue that I realised this was a whole new book. This period was extra special as it was when I had my first Iboga Journey and met Thoth the Atlantean in the REM sleep dream time, under a solar eclipse that was at midday July 11, 2010, exactly 19 years after the Crystal Mission eclipse midday July 11, 1991.  


Eclipse cycles and Thoth the Atlantean are two synchronous threads that weave themselves through The Heart of the Hurricane, along with the oceanic and encyclopaedic crystal knowledge in a pair of Lemurian seed crystals that made contact with atmospheric cloud beings, conscious and aware angelic ‘sylph beings’, so much more immediate and astonishing! If you thought Crystal Mission was a book of incredible coincidences, wait till you read this one!


A skull named Barthelona and two Lemurian seed crystals


Tabernanthe Iboga is another thread that winds through the narrative, and the Iboga Chronicles, especially Book X – The Hidden Journey – is a good primer to prepare someone for a ride that is actually the record of the astonishing spiritual discoveries I made in the 29 years that followed the publishing of Crystal Mission in 1992. Still navigating the trail by following the synchronicity to see where it would lead, the story is full of twists and sudden turns in unexpected directions led by various guides and angels in other realms.


At the end of the story a chapter was added in 2021 that summarised in brief fashion the last 3 years in which my journey matured by turning towards the Solar Orb that is the Blessed Beauty of the Bahá’í Faith, Bahá’u’lláh, and writing two books of Spiritual Journey in the TOTTS – Trail of the True Seeker, and the JPV – Journey into the Perspicuous Verses. It was very interesting and heart-warming that the final passage in this final book, was sealed by a reading from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean, bringing in some continuity with THOTH – The Heart of the Hurricane.


This Book is sub-titled 'The Crystal Mission Continues', but now reflecting on that it really should be 'The Crystal Missions Continue', as each separate long trail in this book is in itself a Crystal Mission, for example the Mission down the Rocky Mountain chain dropping pounamu the stone of peace in all the rivers and lakes, and the Mission to Mt Sinai and Mt Hor that I made with @@ and K after our 9-day pilgrimage to the Holy Shrines of the Bahá’í World Centre which was immediately after our adverse event at the Iboga Clinic. At one point in 2019 I listed how many Crystal Missions there had been up till that date and I counted 14 including the original journey to Mexico in 1991.


It was a reminder of the lessons I learnt about the 14 from Willy Whitefeather in the Crystal Mission, and then the fact that I carried a 13-sided Vogel crystal to the 1991 eclipse while Robert Archer had a 14-sided Vogel that he called the rotor-rooter. Gematria and Numerology provide more multi coloured threads that weave through the narrative, along with the planetary energies of Sun Moon and Mercury, Gold Silver and Quicksilver. At the end of the 63rd & 64th books the number 153 came up very strongly being my street address during lockdown, as well as the number of Mary Magdalene and the Beloved Maid of Eternity in Bahá’u’lláh’s vision, and then most recently hearing on several channels the influence of the beloved 153 in the current global events, telling me that the Hand of God and the Maid of Heaven are steering us towards a VERY positive reality in the VERY near future

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